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The Astronomy Book by Jonathan Henry $21.95
A Biblical Perspective on the Universe – A4 - children & adults
The Case for Christ  by Lee Strobel   $13.95
         Sceptic journalist examines the case for the Bible, Jesus & Christianity
The Case for a Creator by Lee Strobel   $9.95
         A journalist investigates Scientific Evidence-Physics, Astronomy, Biology, etc
The Reason for God by Timothy Keller  $16.95
         Answers to the Most frequent Questions asked about Evidences
Compelling Evidence for God and the Bible  by Douglas Jacoby  $18.95
         An examination of the Evidence for God’s existence and the truth of the Bible
How Life Began  by L R Croft  $9.95
            A Chemical/Biological examination of Life’s Origin indicating Special Creation
Reasons to Believe: A Survey of Christian Evidences  by Chad Ramsey  $14.95
Examination of the historical, scientific & Biblical evidence for Christianity
Refuting Evolution  by Jonathan Sarfati  $14.95
       An Answer to the Teaching of Evolution in Schools
The Scientific Case for Creation  by Bert Thompson - $14.95
       A Discussion of the Natural Evidence for the Operation of God in Creation
The Young Earth  by John Morris  $19.95
         An examination of the Evidence for the Earth’s Age- A4 – free CD

BOOKS BY Ed Wharton
Christ and the Church:The Fulfillment of Purpose & Prophecy by Edward C Wharton  $14.95
         Prophecy, NT Fulfillment, Premillenialism, Christ & the Church in Colossians & Ephesians
The Church of Christ  by Edward C Wharton  $14.95
         The Distinctive Nature of NT Church, plus Covenants, Sabbath, 2nd Coming, Eternity

Acts:Acts: Key to the New Testament  by George W DeHoff - Hardback  $15.95
       26 Topical Sermons on the Book of Acts
The Acts of the Apostles: from Jerusalem to Rome  by Wayne Jackson  $22.95
Over 470 pages of commentary plus Miracles, Demons, Jesus’ Trial and more!
Alive in the Spirit  by Jimmy Jividen  $14.95
Twelve lessons on the nature, gifts and present work of the Holy Spirit
Amazing Grace by Charles B Hodge  $12.95
God's Grace versus Human Legalism & LiberalismBaptism: The Believer's Wedding Ceremony  by F LaGard Smith  $19.95
       The Importance of Baptism as the Beginning of the Christian Life
Batten Down the Hatches  by Pat Scott  $13.95
         God’s Perspective on Living with Personal Tragedy--Grief Recovery
Becoming a Christian  by Wayne Monroe & Mike Peters   $5.45
         Illustrated Booklet especially suitable for Teens & those needing a simple study guide
Becoming One  by Joe Beam  Hardback    $27.95
Developing Emotional, Spiritual and Sexual Intimacy in Marriage - over 270 pages
Bible – English Standard Version  Hardcover $19.95
Published in 2001- a modern version aiming for textual accuracy
The Bible for Kids   from Candle Books  $18.95
Almost 50 Bible stories with Picture and Maps - for School age children
The Bible, the Saint and the Liquor Industry by Jim McGuiggan  $13.95
         The Goals & Effects of the Liquor Industry & the Biblical Perspective
Bible Words & Theological Terms Made Easy  by Wayne Jackson $19.95
         New! Over 300 OT & NT Words and Concepts explained and referenced
Biblical Ethics & Modern Science  by Wayne Jackson  $8.95
            Ethical studies on Abortion, Cloning, Euthanasia, Suicide, etc
Boundaries in Marriage  by Henry Cloud & John Townsend  $11.95
            Understanding & Building Boundaries & Resolving Conflict in Marriage
Boundaries with Kids by Henry Cloud & John Townsend  $11.95
         Helping children learn and implement guiding principles for their behaviour
But How Can I?  by Doris Black & Charlotte Mize  $13.95
Dealing with Anger, Resentment, Worry, Depression, Pride, Jealousy in God’s Way

Children Mean the World to God  by Harold Shank  $19.95
         A book for all Adults in the Church about priorities in Caring for all Children
Christian Stewardship  by Paul M Tucker $4.95
13 lessons on Stewardship & Giving
The Church of God in a Pagan World  Harding University $15.95
         Over 40 Sermons on First Corinthians - 1990 Lectures - Hardback
The Church: The People of God’s Purpose  by Eddie Cloer  $13.95
         God’s Intention or Man’s Invention? Plus 103 Illustrations of the Church
Commentary on the New Testament in Simple English  edited by Van Tate  $31.95
            Commentary on the whole New Testament & Simple English translation -1350+ pages!
Conquering Your Giants by Nancy Eichman  $13.95
Overcoming your Fears of Ridicule, Loss, the Future, Disease, Speaking Up, etc. with Faith
Crisis: Crucible of Praise  by Latayne C Scott  $15.95
         How Crises & Problems can Develop your Relationship with God

Divorce and Remarriage  by Wayne Jackson & Truman Scott  $12.95
         A Study Discussion between friends-different views on Divorce & Remarriage

Eternal Life  by Leslie G Thomas  $5.95
            The character, duration and quality of this gift of God

Family of God  by Batsell Barrett Baxter  $13.95
Twenty-six lessons on the character, worship and work of the NT church
The Focus of our Faith  by Monroe Hawley  $13.95
         A Historical & Doctrinal look at the Restoration Principle
Friendship: Handle With Care  by Jane McWhorter  $13.95
         Friendships we Have & Need & How to Cultivate them

Getting Serious About Love  by David Roper  $16.95
         Biblical Meaning of Love & current Applications with Questions- 13 lessons
A Giving Heart  by Bill R Swetmon  $11.95
         Personal & Congregational Stewardship & Giving
God has a Plan for You  by Billie Silvey  $14.95
         The Riches of Ephesians—for Women
God, Pass By Me  by Casandra Martin A4 185 pages  $21.95
         Seeing God’s Glory through his Names, Titles & Descriptions
God’s Design for the Church  by Eddie Cloer  $13.95
         Clarifying the Nature and Intention of the New Testament Church
God’s Makeover Plan  by Nancy Eichman  $13.95
God’s Attitudes for Transforming our Outer and Inner Beauty—with questions
Going on to Maturity  by Rubel Shelley  $14.95
Steps in Becoming a Spiritually Mature Child of God
Going through the Motions  by Linda Schott & Marty Dodson  $13.95
         Overcoming Barriers and Opening Possibilities for your Personal Growth
Good News in Jesus  by Leon Barnes  $10.00
         Lessons for Us through Luke’s Portrait of Christ

A Handbook on Leadership  by David Duncan, Dale Hartman & others  $15.95
Leadership, Elders, Ministry, Preaching, Role of Women and more
Happiness Guaranteed  by Hugo McCord  $10.95
         Principles & Applications of the Beatitudes of Matthew chapter 5
Heart’s Bouquet  by Louise Barnett Cox  $13.95
The Value of Personal Growth--as a Single, Married, Parent, Retiree - for Ladies
Hearts on Fire  by Don Humphrey  $13.95
         A Strategy for Dynamic Evangelism--Biblical principles & their Application
The Holy Spirit  by V E Howard  hardback  $19.95
Over 200 pages on His Person & Work, Indwelling, Miracles: Ancient & Modern
Hope When You’re Hurting  by Larry Crabb & Dan Allender  P/B  $10.95  H/B  $14.95
         Sources of Help & the Value of the Christian Community - Hardback

I Love Me, I Love Me Not...  by Rosemary Whittle McKnight  $12.95
         A study of the Christian Woman's Self-Esteem
I Stand Amazed  by Linda Schott  $13.95
Renewing the Wonder of what God has done--and is doing--for us! - for Ladies
Inside-Out Christianity  by Florence O Collins  $13.95
Studies from the book of Colossians – with Questions
Introducing the Church of Christ  by 50+ preachers  $7.95
            Lessons on Origin, Organisation, Worship, Work, Growth, Doctrines of the church

Just Business: Christian Ethics for the Market Place by Alexander Hill  $11.95
         Maintaining Godly Character in Business—with case studies

Koinonia  by Jimmy Jividen  $15.95
A Contemporary Study of Church Fellowship and Discipline--with Study Questions

The Lamb and His Enemies  by Rubel Shelly  $14.95
13 Lessons on the Book of Revelation—with Questions
Leadership Questions Confronting the Church  by Jack P Lewis  $13.95
15 Lessons on Women, Elders, Preachers, the Body, Service
Learning to Love  by Willard Tate  $13.95
Ninety successful church Growth Strategies of the Madison Church of Christ

The Madison Story  $14.95
         Principles & Strategies to help readers Face Life’s Challenges
Making Things Right When Things Go Wrong  by Paul Faulkner  $15.95
         Principles & Strategies to help readers Face Life’s Challenges
Male Spiritual Leadership  by F LaGard Smith  $19.95
Male Leadership & its Application in the Church, Home & Society, plus discussion questions
More than a Feeling: Worship that Pleases God  by Jimmy Jividen  $13.95
       Feelings, Attitudes & Actions--and God’s Will--with review questions
Music Matters in the Lord's Church  by Aubrey Johnson  $12.95
Singing, Instrumental Music, Worship, Choirs--with outlines,  questions & activities
The Mythology of Modern Geology  by Wayne Jackson  $9.95
         Evidence which demonstrates the Inaccuracy of Evolutionary Geology

The New You: Lessons for Teenage Girls  by Linda Wesbrooks  $13.95
         Coping with School, Family, Work, Friends and your relationship with God

Patterns for Living  by Irene Young Mattox  $13.95
Spiritual Growth for Women--Personal Development & Practical Application
Practical Christianity  by David Roper  $13.95
         Personal Practical Living using the NT book of James as a guide
Precious and Powerful: Woman of God  by Jim Bill McInteer  $13.95
         The Value of Women described in the Bible--especially for Ladies
The Prophet Motive  by Benny Barfield  $26.95
         A thorough study of the Content & Reliability of Bible Prophecy - over 330 pages

Radical Restoration  by F LaGard Smith  $19.95
Purity & Simplicity in Christianity, Denominational thinking vs Biblical Restoration
Raising Faithful Kids: in a Fast-paced World  by Paul Faulkner  $16.95
Strategies for Parenting: Purposes, Values, Discipline, Communication, Motivation
Redeeming The Times by Dale Hartman, Tim Pyles & others  $16.95
Articles on Church Issues-Interpretation, Worship, Culture, Women, Grace/Law, Elders, etc
The Reign of God  by Jim McGuiggan  $14.95
A detailed look at the Kingdom of God from Genesis to Revelation

Sacred Principles on Which We Stand  by John Waddey  $14.95
52 Lessons on Fundamentals of Christianity plus Discussion Questions
Showtime! Worship in the Age of Show Business  by Dan Chambers  $13.95
         Evaluating Worship in the Light of Biblical Teaching & Current Trends
The Six Gifts of Hospitality  by Laurel S Sewell  $13.95
Food, Service, Shelter, Benevolence, Comfort, Companionship, Teaching your Children
Songs of the Church  by Alton H Howard (ed)  $15.95
740 songs - maroon - hardback
Studying Angels  by Bill Hughes & Avon Malone  $11.95
Over 200 Bible references-Character, Role, Message, Relationship to God & Satan

Treasures from the Greek New Testament by Wayne Jackson $10.95
Greek Vocabulary & Grammar illustrated from the NT text with study exercises

What About the Women?  by Cynthia Dianne Guy  $15.95
A study of all the New Testament Scriptures concerning Women
What Every Family Needs  by Carl Brecheen & Paul Faulkner  $13.95
         Development of Self, Partner & Children - Communication, Esteem & Discipline
What is the Church?  by Eddie Cloer  $13.95
         Identifying the Nature & Design of the New Testament Church
What's a Woman to Do?  by Betty S Bender  $ 12.95
Choices for Women--as Singles, Wives, Mothers, Grandmothers and Widows
What’s So Amazing About Grace?  by Philip Yancey  $9.95
         Our need for Grace, God’s desire to share it, and Our response.
Who Is My Brother?  By F LaGard Smith  $19.95
         The Importance of Fellowship, the Need for Baptism, Disagreements & Fellowship
Why I am a Member of the Church of Christ  by Leroy Brownlow  $14.95
         Twenty-five lessons on the basic Beliefs and Practices of the church
Why we Believe the Bible  by George W DeHoff   $8.95
         Reasons for believing the Existence of God & the Truth of the Bible
Woman to Woman  by Debbie Bumbalough and Dwina Willis  $14.95
A  Guide to Teaching and Leading Women in Classes and Evangelism